By Lori Jena Freise

                        literal translation
It was a day to be noted in translation history! On November 25, 2012 Roman Catholics officially began using the new Roman Missal-- the book that details the celebration and spoken prayers of the Mass. Translators, linguists and clergymen alike have dedicated nearly 10 years consulting to help enrich the English language of the original Latin script. Both priests and the congregation will be repeating these new words. The rest of the tradition in the mass will remain the same such as the positioning and gestures.

These new changes include:

Previous Translation from   Latin

New Translation from Latin

And with you

And with your spirit

Lord, I am not worthy to receive you.

Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof.

We believe in one God.

I believe in one God.

As with any change, the reactions of the mass (pun intended), was mixed. Some feel it will help to pray better and more closely to the Latin original, while others feel it lacks smooth syntax and still requires edits. Indeed, it was approved in Rome and to the new generation the new translations will soon become those phrases that roll off the tongue naturally.